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Deep-Diving Into ‘Flood’ Building Product Data

With climate change, stronger storms, and rising sea levels a growing concern, we were curious at about the trend of building products that reference ‘flood’. For this topic, we decided to dive deeper into our data to provide a better idea of how our research is progressing.

Studying this data provides data-driven metrics that can make amazing predictions and conclusions using our Deepsearch system.

To start, we looked at the total number of manufacturers who reference the word ‘flood’ throughout the 300,000+ product documents we continuously collect.

flood by mfr - bar

We see a number of manufacturers that show some reference to flood in their approvals. Leading the pack are Tremco Commercial Sealants & Waterproofing and SOPREMA USA. But this is only the beginning of what we can learn.

Next, we needed to see what agencies these are spread out over. Right now, we have all the listings from Florida, Miami Dade, Intertek, and DrJ Engineering

We see below that most products referencing ‘flood’ are from Florida, with 418 total documents.

Flood Study by Agency


With this, we asked Deepsearch what building categories these are distributed over. This information will help further identify relevant search terms and product popularity.

We see from the below that these listings are spread out over windows, doors, components-fasteners-materials, and the largest, roofing (586 listings).

We could further study our dataset by any of a number of data metrics – code cycle, listing status, and graph them over time for example, but this was useful enough for next steps.

flood term by category


The true science of what we are doing is our ability to overlay this information with what is being searched, where, and when.

Combining this information is leading to transformative predictions with the help of AI that is changing the landscape of marketing, product development, and direct consumer contact.

Let’s look at the below just as an example. Looking specifically at the search term ‘flood’, we see the largest concentration of need for this term is between April and September, the ‘rainy season’.

Flood searches over time

We also found these search terms to be the most popular: ‘Flood Barrier’ (only six results in our system), ‘Freedom Flood’ (83 listing results), ‘Flood Vent’ (59 listing results), and ‘flood barriers’ (44 listing results). These terms would be combined with the above ‘flood’ search to yield an appropriate dataset for our deepest study and generative AI modeling to predict future behavior.

We then geo-located searches for these terms over time and developed heat maps of product needs and popularity. We’ll save that gem of information for an upcoming post. If you want to learn more or have us research your specific product, term, or any combination thereof, email us at [email protected]. Also, take a look at our DeepSearch report page, which is evolving and growing faster than our sample report can keep up with.


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